Oh, #potterymugs. How do we live thee?

Oh, #potterymugs. How do we live thee?
#potters make our taproom extra special.
Every Anniversary we hold a live mug club auction. These mugs are added to out Mug Club Wall and the owners get to enjoy #GreatBeerforGreatPeople from their mugs when they visit the taproom. Does beer taste better from pottery mugs? Yes. Yes it does.
From this auction we support three local organizations who do great things in our community. The #randolphcountync Honor Guard, Family Crisis Center, and Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen are supported by this auction. Beer is fun, but these organizations do great things for people. We are fortunate to support them.
The rest of these new mug club members will be in our stories. Thank you for 6 years of supporting out community.