We are committed to becoming a Safe Bar so that Four Saints Brewing Company is great in all aspects.
Back in May of 2021, the entire brewing industry experienced a reckoning that had been long overdue. A number of assaults and incidents of sexual harassment have been reported against women in the craft beer industry. These are difficult stories but they must be told. A large number of brave women came forward to share their experiences in an effort to put an end to the atrocities they witnessed or survived.
Our word here must be impeccable. Assault and sexual harassment have no place in our workplaces, and will not be tolerated, excused, ignored, or accepted by our employees, partners, or customers. No matter what.
Our sexual harassment policies have been reviewed and revised at Four Saints Brewing Company to be more direct, thorough, and impeccable with the guidance of our lawyer and with input from our female employees. They guided us on how to become a Safe Bar by being proactive, aware, and bold.
Additionally, we also had our entire team attend sexual harassment and bystander training from Safe Bars to improve our ability to recognize, address, and manage issues that might arise within our company, in our taproom, or out in the world at large. The Safe Bars Program helps bars, restaurants, breweries, and other alcohol-serving establishments create environments that are welcoming, safe, and respectful to patrons and employees alike.
The following are the promises we have made to our employees, to each other, and to you: