Any styles you want to specialize in?
We are beer lovers, obviously, and our palettes are pretty wide open. We partake of everything from pilsners to imperial stouts, from classic styles to experimental atrocities. We see Four Saints’ beers in the same way; not defined or limited by a focused niche. Extreme niche or style focus works for some breweries, and they put out good beer. Our thought is that by dabbling in a little of everything, it’ll make us stronger brewers and possibly lead to some interesting integrations, too.
Andrew’s a huge Belgian fan; his Dubbel is tremendous. I’d put it up against just about anybody’s. So, we like working with Belgian styles, some with a little more added to the character. Our early winter seasonal, a Caramel Quadrupel, is a perfect example: estery, smooth, slight alcohol burn in the throat, and subdued extravagant sweetness.
Joel’s a fan of big, bold, slap-you-in-the-face beers. Beers that make you respect them are some of my favorites. Our St. Augustine Jalapeno Smoked Brown Ale is an exemplar of just such a beer: peppery, smoky, and metamorphic.
Do you have a question you’d like for us to answer?
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Email seems to work best since we sometimes miss social media direct messages and can’t always answer our phones. You can email us through the contact info at the bottom of every page on this website. We will answer what we can, when we can, in the best ways we can. All this talk about cans…it’s time for a beer. Cheers.